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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm so HappY

Hmmm... please dun misunderstand that today my post also talking about cartoon again by looking of this Pikachu picture !!! I'm just feel that now my feeling same as this pikachu picture (besides Doreamon I'm did like Pikachu too because it so cutie) because I'm So Happy now !!!

Why?? because just confirm by one of my classmate who is Jacqueline that she already create a blogger account. Yeah.. i had one more blogger friend d ;-) Actually yesterday i received a email from blogger and asked me to confirm a invitation from Jac but that time I'm rush to went back my home (that time i was in the office) so just read lioa then off my computer so i not yet clearly see the details.

After that, today I'm only realise that I'm not yet confirm the invitation and i already delete all the email in my inbox !!! Ish *** Feel very confused and I'm so embarrassed to asked Jac (because scared she think that I'm didn't read the email then delete lioa) but after twice I'm think and think finally i decided Msn Jac and asked her about it!!

Yeah~~ finally she confirmed with me that she really create the blogger account and already wrote 2 post. Yup.. I'm so happy and quickly check with her the link and I'm sign in to my blogger account and confirm the invitation. (for u all information, I'm pc idiot so sometimes i don't know how to solve the problem)

Phew~~ I'm really happy because success invite my friend Jac to join blogger!! Welcome Join to Blogger Life and hope she can enjoy it and have a wonderful own blog. I will keep reading all my friend's blog because I'm do so interest to know all about u all's life. I'm also hope that my friends like my blog too (Eventrough my blog full of broken language but i will try to improve it)

Enjoy Ya ;-)


  1. Lolx... Tq Fv but i'm still feel my blog not so good yet !!! By the way i'm very like visit ur blog because its too intresting ;)
