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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm Know I'm Fat

I will getting crazy soon because got a lot of problem playing around my mind. I don't know what should i do now to solve my problem and the one i can do is writing out all the problem in my blog.

Start from begin of the this year, all of my friends and my family also say I'm FAT JOR and FAT until like PIG. Hmmm...actually i very sensitive with this word and i really cannot accept this word at all but i just act nothing in front of them. I know i could not angry them to say this but I'm really sad when i heard this word from them especially my bf. He is the one always saying this word in front of me and langsung didn't care my feeling.

Actually got few times when i heard this word from them i really cant TAHAN then i will hide myself at bedroom or toilet and cry out. ( YAU TOU FATT BIN GOR U JO LAT LEI ) I'm know i FAT JOR but this is not i wish ger mah. Who don't want have slim body?? I also cant control at all mah... Why they didn't think of people's feeling first before saying out some word.

After Chinese New Year my body weight was increased from 45 to 51kg now. Most of my skirt, pants and shirt also cant wear already. I have a super big tummy ( buncit ) and my waist over than 30cm. I'm know this will become worst if I'm still not to take action. I try to skip meals and eat less but at the end also didn't have any changes and my friends tell me skip meals was not a good idea for diet.

What should i do?? Nowadays, i know got 1 product is from Herbalife Company and their have one package called Start Now Pack which is got 3 different product. I heard my friend say this product are very good and if want to losing weight then this product clearly can see the result. I'm don't know i should try or not and actually i believe it because i do many research already but this start now pack cost RM 497 included membership.

I plan to try this product and also hope really can see the result after taking this package but the one question playing around my mind is HOW IF i finish this product also cannot see any result leh?? I'm very scared to waste money on this product but if I'm not trying then How I Know Is Work Or Not. I'm really don't know and i also cannot discuss with my family because I'm scared later they say cheating wan lah or waste money lah. I don't want heard something are not supported ( not money support ) or some hurt me word .

Fat is the one of my problem and another problem is my relationship between me and my boyfriend. I feel that sometimes our relationship slowly getting far away. I don't know i too sensitive or what i feeling is true wan. I'm not say he not like me but sometimes .... i don't know how to describes our condition now. We didn't argue now but sometimes because of very little small thing then he will show black face and don't want CHOI me.

I'm don't know i think too much or the problem really come over already. Sometimes our decision definitely are not same but sometimes we playing until very happy wan. I really hope the problem wont come near anymore and all the problems playing my mind can be solve as soon as possible.


  1. try to reduce your sugar intake, skip dessert, skip soda and other sweet stuff. eat smaller portion food, and avoid fried stuff, avoid bread and carbohydrate . that worked for me. I lost about 10-12 lbs in about one month =)

  2. Thanks June.. i already reduce sugar,oily food and sometimes will skip my dinner also but also didnt see any result. Maybe i always sit at office and back home also sitting watching drama + no exercise so cause i'm fat now but now i trying herbalife product( just started ) Hopefully really can see the good result lol ;)
